
The CL Thomas Fellowship®

Learn how to provide more like Jesus in your life through our weekly newsletter called Always Provide. Because Jesus always provides for us, we can always provide for others. Get inspiring stories from Justin Thomas, co-founder of The CL Thomas Fellowship® who is an entrepreneur, health coach, business consultant, and ultrarunner in training.

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Always Provide: Aug 21st

Aug 21st, 2024 Happy Hump Day:) A weekly update on my path to becoming a provider that I hope inspires your journey. Enjoy! 1 big thing: The Psalms are So Good Never stop praying. We can be in agony. We can feel frustrated. We can be stressed. We just need to keep praying. All of these feelings are just called "living." What makes us providers like Jesus is that we never stop praying. Why it matters: We can ultimately end at a place of peace as long as we keep praying and "remember his...

Aug 14th, 2024 Happy Hump Day:) Let's conquer any midweek hurdles together with some provision motivation. I've got some confessions and fun updates to share. Enjoy! 1 big thing: Learn From Others - Don't Worship Them Worship God, not man. My best newsletters are the ones I write to myself because they are real. I recently discovered the author and entrepreneur Alex Hormozi. He says he is not religious and enjoys throwing out F-bombs. I like him. Truthfully, I have probably placed him as an...

Aug 7th, 2024 Happy Hump Day:) We are back to help you conquer the midweek mountaints by sharing pillars of being a healthy provider. Enjoy! 1 big thing: Be Healthier for You & Others Providing for others while investing in your health is a power move. The theme of this week's podcast (see below) is about habits of healthy providers. The best way of incorporating a healthy lifestyle is when it blesses both you and others. Why it matters: When we maximize our well-being we are also maximizing...

July 31st, 2024 Happy Hump Day:) I love it when different parts of life come together. I can't help but think it's all part of a bigger plan. Let me explain. 1 big thing: The Provider Fund Launches Help us provide a personal doctor to 1 person for 1 year. Our mission is to inspire leaders and parents to be providers and servant leaders like Jesus. But what if your health is getting in the way of serving others? We are going to help. Why it matters: Health and healthcare can be confusing. It's...

July 24h, 2024 Happy Humpish Day:) I've recently taken a couple of personality tests. One classified me as a "Consult," who believes life is sweetest when it’s shared with others, and they hate to let people down. The other labeled me as a "Controller/Director," which values getting the job done and is results-oriented. No wonder I enjoy the challenge of delivering this weekly newsletter:) To know yourself is a fun journey, just like always providing! 1 big thing: Surrender is a Superpower I...

July 17th, 2024 Happy Humpish Day:) The "summer scramble" is a real thing. This is coming from the guy who is just getting around to my first newsletter of July! With changes to our schedules, travel, and general life responsibilities it can feel busy or...full. We get to choose. 1 big thing: Eliminate Hurry Hurry is the great enemy of our spiritual life. What if we structured our lives to eliminate hurry? Perhaps we would model Jesus' lifestyle of simplicity and slowness. This is the premise...

The Become a Provider audiobook has just been released on Audible! Proceeds go to the work of The CL Thomas Fellowship, and we are excited to release this version to the world. Thank you for your support! Click on the image or button below to get your copy today:) Buy on Audible Happy Friday! Bless & Protect, Justin

June 26th, 2024 Happy Hump Day! While our schedules may change over the summer months, we can always provide. Enjoy! 1 big thing: Create a Provider Vision Our Identity Shapes Our Habits. In behavioral health change theory, a consistent recommendation is to start with the identity and values you want to embody before making any changes. If the change aligns with our desired identity and values, then it stacks the odds in our favor of actually living out the desired habits. Why it matters:...

June 21st, 2024 Happy Friday:) I believe that we are going from a launch phase to a growth phase here at The CL Thomas Fellowship. From the podcast, small groups, and even the stage. Big things are ahead for us and you because God always provides. Enjoy! 1 big thing: You Are a Provider A Special Father's Day. I shared at my local church on Father's Day the message "You are a Provider." Why it matters: We all have a story. The message I enjoy sharing is around lessons I learned from my father,...

June 12th, 2024 Happy Hump Day:) I've been immersing myself in the story and work of the CL Thomas Fellowship. Why do I write this newsletter? What is the purpose of the podcast? How can we grow? I've got plenty of questions, less answers. But the theme is always the same, let's always provide. Enjoy! 1 big thing: God Gives, So Let's Provide "My cup runs over." Psalm 23 talks about the provision of God in our lives. He is in our valleys. He also provides with a seat at the table. He ensures...