Always Provide: Surrender and Momentum

July 24h, 2024

Happy Humpish Day:) I've recently taken a couple of personality tests. One classified me as a "Consult," who believes life is sweetest when it’s shared with others, and they hate to let people down. The other labeled me as a "Controller/Director," which values getting the job done and is results-oriented. No wonder I enjoy the challenge of delivering this weekly newsletter:) To know yourself is a fun journey, just like always providing!

1 big thing: Surrender is a Superpower

I experienced momentum shortly after praying in my office. I kneeled in front of my office chair and extended my hands out. It was an act of surrender. Asking God to take all my work and do whatever he wanted with it.

  • Why it matters: I was genuinely asking God to lead my next steps. After all, I am results-driven and needed a reminder of who really is behind all the work.
  • Momentum is energy. After the prayer, I felt clear about focusing on my benefits consulting work with Bull Benefits. Then I had a creative burst of energy around this work and boldness to share more on LinkedIn and my local community.
  • Provider next step: What do you need to surrender in your life? What are you trying to drive towards without God?

2. 🎙️ New Podcast Episode!

My solo episode is live. I focused on ways I have provided for my family and shared about our epic Family Summit tradition...well, I think they are epic at least:)

About this series. My goal in these bi-weekly solo shows is to share real-life lessons and experiences as I step into the identity of being a healthy provider. I'd love your feedback on this new format.

Listen or watch the video of this episode! Be sure to follow our podcast on your favorite app, and now you can also watch the interview on our CL Thomas Fellowship® YouTube channel.

3. 📺 A Talk That Provides

Avoid Death by PowerPoint. I reference this Ted Talk in my podcast episode. It is so helpful and humourous. Here are some of my takeaways:

  • Use a dark background and light text for better contrast
  • When you want to draw the audience’s attention to you, put up a blank dark slide or turn off the screen
  • Have 1 message per slide

If you have 20 minutes and have a presentation to give, this is worth your time.

4. 🎙️ Another Bonus Guest Podcast!

I had the opportunity to be a guest on the "Making Health dooable" podcast. This conversation was about how to de-stress in our lives. If that topic interests you, here are the links below.

Thank you for the opportunity to document my provider journey. I hope it inspires you to be a servant leader like Jesus.

Bless & Protect,

Justin Thomas


Want to become a "Friend to the Fellowship" by donating to our non-profit? You can! Just donate to the non-profit here and we will put the money towards keeping this newsletter, podcast, and small groups completely free! Thanks!

The CL Thomas Fellowship®

Learn how to provide more like Jesus in your life through our weekly newsletter called Always Provide. Because Jesus always provides for us, we can always provide for others. Get inspiring stories from Justin Thomas, co-founder of The CL Thomas Fellowship® who is an entrepreneur, health coach, business consultant, and ultrarunner in training.

Read more from The CL Thomas Fellowship®

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