Always Provide: June 26th

June 26th, 2024

Happy Hump Day! While our schedules may change over the summer months, we can always provide. Enjoy!

1 big thing: Create a Provider Vision

Our Identity Shapes Our Habits. In behavioral health change theory, a consistent recommendation is to start with the identity and values you want to embody before making any changes. If the change aligns with our desired identity and values, then it stacks the odds in our favor of actually living out the desired habits.

  • Why it matters: Therefore, if we want to become providers to honor how God provides for us, we should have a clear identity, or what I call the "Provider Vision" statement.
  • Provide like Jesus. If you aren't sure what your provider statement is, a go-to for me is "Provide Like Jesus." How can we take the Bible's example of God coming to us in human form and change our behaviors to match some of His?
  • Provider next step: What provider behaviors did Jesus live out that you would like to model?

2. 🎙️ New Solo Podcast Episdoe

Episodes Now Weekly! Our new goal is to have a new Become a Provider episode released every Monday morning. I will interview a guest one week, and then the next week, I will share a personal provider update. The first solo episode was released this week with #129, in which I shared my guest sermon on "You are a Provider." Links to the show are listed below.

3. 🎤 Audiobook in the Works!

Coming Soon. Amy and the girls went away for a weekend to visit family so I decided to maximize the time by recording myself reading the Become a Provider book!

An Unexpected Gift. The project of recording 5 hours proved to be the perfect way to prepare to share at church on Father's Day. Reading the book allowed me to reflect on Pop's life in a new way.

Release Date TBD. I submitted the recording to Amazon and they have a four-step review process. So far, I am a quarter of the way through. Hopefully, I will have an update for next week's newsletter.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you through this newsletter. Always feel free to respond with feedback and updates on your own provider journey.

Bless & Protect,

Justin Thomas


Want to become a "Friend to the Fellowship" by donating to our non-profit? You can! Just donate to the non-profit here and we will put the money towards launching groups and building out our free resources. Thanks!

The CL Thomas Fellowship®

Learn how to provide more like Jesus in your life through our weekly newsletter called Always Provide. Because Jesus always provides for us, we can always provide for others. Get inspiring stories from Justin Thomas, co-founder of The CL Thomas Fellowship® who is an entrepreneur, health coach, business consultant, and ultrarunner in training.

Read more from The CL Thomas Fellowship®

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