Always Provide: Aug 14th

Aug 14th, 2024

Happy Hump Day:) Let's conquer any midweek hurdles together with some provision motivation. I've got some confessions and fun updates to share. Enjoy!

1 big thing: Learn From Others - Don't Worship Them

Worship God, not man. My best newsletters are the ones I write to myself because they are real. I recently discovered the author and entrepreneur Alex Hormozi. He says he is not religious and enjoys throwing out F-bombs. I like him. Truthfully, I have probably placed him as an idol in my life. I resonate deeply with his practical business frameworks. I've been consuming his content and even made a promise to myself not to read any other business books until I fully implement them because they are so good. So I had to check myself, agree to not consume any of his content on Sunday, and reflect on how I can respect and admire without worshipping.

  • Why it matters: The first commandment is to have no idols or worship anyone but God.
  • Try respecting, not worshiping. My plan is to continue learning and respecting Alex Hormozi without worshipping him or having worldly success. But to have these checks and balances with others.
  • Provider next step: Is there someone or something you have worshipped more than God in your life this week? What reset (like unplugging on Sunday) do you need to try?

2. 🎙️ New Podcast Episode!

#135 with Anna McLaughlin is Live! The Become a Provider podcast show continues to provide through our latest episode this week. Anna is a former corporate lawyer turned entrepreneur turned life coach. She shares her journey, a case study into living out the Proverbs 31 lifestyle of "considering a field," which I believe can inspire us all to trust God and dream big.

Listen or watch the video of this episode! Be sure to follow our podcast on your favorite app, and now you can also watch the interview on our CL Thomas Fellowship® YouTube channel.

3. 👏 $1,225 Raised for the Provider Fund!

We did it! Over the past two weeks, you helped us raise $1,225 to launch our first "Provider Fund." These donations will sponsor one individual to work with a personal doctor to help them improve their health and well-being over the next year.

The next step is to prayerfully find the recipient. We are in the process of finding who to gift this great opportunity to, and we have a potential candidate in the works!

Let's keep this going. I love having a clear purpose. Becoming a provider by offering a medical provider is just so awesome. We will keep the donation open to help more people with every $1,200 we receive.

Thank you for the opportunity to document my provider journey. I hope it inspires you to be a servant leader like Jesus.

Bless & Protect,

Justin Thomas


In between newsletter updates, feel free to connect on LinkedIn or Instagram if you want more updates on my work and career.

The CL Thomas Fellowship®

Learn how to provide more like Jesus in your life through our weekly newsletter called Always Provide. Because Jesus always provides for us, we can always provide for others. Get inspiring stories from Justin Thomas, co-founder of The CL Thomas Fellowship® who is an entrepreneur, health coach, business consultant, and ultrarunner in training.

Read more from The CL Thomas Fellowship®

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