Always Provide: summer edition

May 31st 2024

Happy Friday! Here is a mini edition of the Always Provide newsletter. I wanted to be sure to share our last podcast and say happy summer to you all:) Enjoy!

1. 🎙️ Podcast with Tom Everson on Leadership and Safe Driving Behaviors.

Engaging Communities. I was introduced to Tom Everson, founder of Keep Kids Alive Drive 25, from a previous podcast guest and I'm so grateful for the connection. Here is a little preview of the chat in case you have not listened:

  • Inspiration from a run: Tom had the idea for Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 spring into his head while on an early morning run.
  • The power of relationships: Tom emphasizes that building strong, meaningful relationships is key to enacting change and creating lasting impact.
  • Turning a loss into a legacy: Tom works with family members who have tragically lossed loved ones from traffic accidents. His "Live Forward" efforts empower families to turn their loss into a positive legacy.

Listen or watch the episode using the links below

2. 🏖️ Book and Beach Recommendation

Emotionally healthy at the beach. The family and I recently vacationed on the Pacific coast of Mexico, and it was an ideal place to read about slowing down and spending more time resting with and in Jesus.

We can't be spiritually mature if we are emotionally immature. If we want to provide like Jesus, we need to not only invest into our spiritual growth but our emotional well-being as well. This was my main takeaway from the book. Serving others without recognizing a self destructive emotional habit will lead to break-down. That's not what we are about in The CL Tomas Fellowship!

If this topic interests you, here is the link to the book.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you through this newsletter. My goal is to grow in my servant leadership for my family, work, and life. Even if it comes on a Friday afternoon versus the normal hump day!

Always feel free to respond with feedback and updates on your own provider journey.

Bless & Protect,

Justin Thomas


Want to become a "Friend to the Fellowship" by donating to our non-profit? You can! Just donate to the non-profit here and we will put the money towards launching groups, building our partner team of editors, writers, and researchers. Thanks!

The CL Thomas Fellowship®

Learn how to provide more like Jesus in your life through our weekly newsletter called Always Provide. Because Jesus always provides for us, we can always provide for others. Get inspiring stories from Justin Thomas, co-founder of The CL Thomas Fellowship® who is an entrepreneur, health coach, business consultant, and ultrarunner in training.

Read more from The CL Thomas Fellowship®

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